Showing posts with label warehouse assistant jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warehouse assistant jobs. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 July 2013


International NGO Job, Warehouse Assistant, Counselor, Nurse 16 July
Job Opportunities-INGO
An International humanitarian organization urgently requires the services of experienced, dynamic & qualified persons lor Kandhkot@kahsmore Interested candidates may send their
CVs to jobs Jub@gmall com Applicants must clearjy state the position being applied fpr h the sublet line of the email The dosing date for receiving applications is JutyS. 2013
s#    Job Title    Positions    Job Requirements
01    Warehouse Assistant    01    Bachelor’s Degree with 2 years’ experience in Warehouse management
02    IYCF Counselor (Female)    02    Bachelor Degree, 2 years’ experience with NGO/INGO  In rrxnmnnity
Nutrition Assistant (Female)  Q4′Nurse/ Lady Health Visitor (Female)        02 02    Degree/Diploma in Nursing or LHV, +2 years with relevant experience In Nutrition and handling CMAM & IYCF  Degree/Diploma in Nursing or LHV. +2 years with relevant  experience in Nutrition and handling CMAM & IYC.....